
Costs for translations are based on a standard line (55 signs per line). The cost of one line varies between € 1,10 and € 1,60.

The final price for the services depends on the combination of languages, the complexity of the text (for instance, legal documents), as well as the format of the source text. 

For urgent orders, the price may increase.

After providing the original text, I will be happy to prepare a quotation for you. 


Costs for interpreting are calculated on an hourly basis. The hourly rate starts at € 100.

The final price for the service depends on the language combination as well as the complexity of the topic.

Special prices for regular customers.

Daily or multi-day flat rates are available on request.

Travel expenses will be charged at cost.

Project Communication

Costs for service in project management are based on the agreed-upon flat rates according to the estimated costs or agreed in advance as a fixed royalty.

Since the estimated costs for communication and coordination services can vary during the project, the flat rate should be agreed upon for a certain period in advance.