Tatiana Leder

Translator and interpreter of passion and also a coordination genius! That’s how my family and friends describe me. Honestly, I would not reach so high, but of course they are not entirely wrong. As a Russian by birth and the wife of an Austrian, I moved to Salzburg after graduating from Lomonosow Moscow State University and fell in love not only with the country and my husband but also in German language. In addition to my professional work as a translator and interpreter, I study English and American Studies at Salzburg University and I am currently also trying my hand at Italian. I love working on a project basis and have already gained a lot of international experience. Among other things, in Moscow I worked as a translator of the submission documents for the catering tender on the occasion of the Football World Cup 2018.  The idea for TL-Communication came to me during a project in which I acted as a multifunctional coordinator person and could finally combine my management skills with my language abilities. This is how I came to my current credo: Your international project without language barriers! When it comes to international projects, primarily in Austria, I can proudly say that I can make your life much easier.